Wednesday 27 August 2008

When raising the dead doesn't just mean Viagra

Mortuary Outreach

The above link takes you to a video from an organisation called Extreme Prophecy who are advocating a campaign of Mortuary Outreach. That's right! They're suggesting that Christians go into mortuaries and offer to resurrect the dead. I'll leave you to watch it yourselves, and to be fair the video is not the original but is one which has been edited with comments from another individual. Having said that, the person who put their comments over the original did a grand job, in my opinion.

The question the video poses is where does delusion end and out and out insensitivity begin. The women presenting this video is certainly certain about her certainty, and anyone is entitled to believe what they want. And to that end, I endorse anybody's right to believe the earth is flat, or that unicorns exist, or that, as Bertram Russell posited, that there is an invisible teapot that orbits the Sun. Anyone can believe what they want, provided their belief does not trample over the feelings and sensibilities of others. Hope springs eternal, but false hope can flood the house and ruin everything.

What the Mortuary Outreach team was doing was not raising the dead. Nor will they ever do such a thing. They talked about it. They generated prophecies about it. They speculated about the wonder and awe that would occur when they eventually succeeded. But when they left the building the number of dead people in it remained the same. The only thing they added to the situation was an increase in pain and grief. You can't say they're not generous.

They arrived as happy, clappy fuckwits, and they left as happy, clappy fuckwits, safe within their own delusions. It's the mess they left behind that's the real story here. People who are grieving are at their most vulnerable and would do literally anything to get back the person who has just died. These morons turn up and offer them false hope that this will happen. Straws are presented and duly clutched at. And surprise, surprise, the corpse remains a corpse and the grief remains grief.

Another thing that stays the same is the delusion of the Outreach team. I imagine they could visit a million mortuaries and have a million non-raised bodies and STILL they would believe that the next one would produce a positive outcome. What they don't seem to realise it the harm and hurt they are causing along the way. Some might even go so far as to say that it was a lack of faith on behalf of one of the family members that prevented the resurrection taking place. Or dare I say, an unconfessed sin from the cadaver that's stopping life flowing back again.

Can we not deal with what is real!! Grief is real. Death is real. Resurrection is not.

Being there for the bereaved is real. Supportinng those in pain is real. Presence Ministry is real. Mortuary Outreach is not.

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