Thursday 7 August 2008

Toeing the line

Lying in bed has always been something I celebrated, and practiced as often as possible. For the third time in three months I've been in bed with a bout of gout. That's right! Gout!

It reminds me how dependent we are on our feet, especially when we're off them. Gout prevents you from walking so you're restricted to an aching hobble-style of movement. Running is out of the question, and to a 20 month toddler that spells a lot of fun - running so far ahead to be well clear then waiting until his hop-a-long father catches up and then the game of mouse and crippled cat continues. The wee monkey!

If it were all down to steaks and port then I'd have no excuse, but as a vegetarian who hasn't had port in a long while
mea non culpa. According to t'InterWeb, the source of all useless knowledge, gout can be triggered by carbonated drinks. Oops! Mea culpa big tempus!

Usually it takes 48 hours to get over this, thanks to the tablets the hospital gave me. So, I should be back on my feet (literally) by the weekend, but may have to visit the quack to see if there's some other cause. Ho hum.

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