Wednesday 1 October 2008

No-one's going to make a monkey out of me...........again!

I don't know why I do it?!? It happens time and time again, and every time I say the same thing to myself - "I can give it up! It wouldn't cost me a thought!". But here I am again. Feeling just as sullied and unclean as before.

I seem to be obsessed with a particular Evangelical Forum. When I read the posts my blood boils and my faith in intelligent Christians fades. For a while I stopped posting stuff, mainly because I was so disgusted at the attitudes and illogicality of those who were keen to air their opinions. And I did stop posting anything for about a month, until tonight! A sweet, but rather dim-witted woman was deriding Evolution with the usual "if evolution is true why are monkeys still monkeys?" Oh the high level of ignorance displayed.

Recently I've been reading up Evolution, and more especially reading stuff that tries to square the avalanche of evidence for Evolution with new thinking on God. When I say "reading" I really mean of course "I've just ordered it from Amazon". When I receive it, and actually read it, I'll post my thoughts.

In my modest research around the subject I'm amazed how many people (mainly Creationists I have to say, though not always) have a binary attitude to the Evolution debate - you have to either accept it or reject it. This seems to be a rather draconian outlook. In Process Theology there is no real problem with Evolution - indeed, it is heartily embraced. But PT does require you to adjust your view of God. No harm with that, says I!

To my mind, the case for Evolution is massive. There is no case for Creationism, as you cannot claim that finding fault with an opposite argument in any way validates your own - the fallacy of false dichotomy I think it's called.

Why not embrace the Science, bite the bullet, and reject the Bronze Age thinking. Surely it takes more faith to move forward with new knowledge and adapt beliefs accordingly, than clinging desperately to ancient irrelevancies no matter what the facts are?!

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