Wednesday 29 October 2008

Is democracy wasted on the thick?

So the National Television Awards have been and gone, and we all thank God they've gone away for at least another 365 days. This annual live televisual event continues to illustrate why democracy never works.

The majority of award shows are voted by a panel of 'experts'. Now you might well question the qualifications of such 'experts' but nevertheless they normally have some experience or expertise that allows them to make a decision regarding winners and losers. Not so for the National Television Awards. They are voted on by the great unwashed, the hoi polpoi. And it shows. It is, of course tarted up - there's no such thing as 'Soaps' in the NTA. No siree, bob! They've become continuing serial dramas. Well, excuse me!!

It reduced TV to the common denominator - the vulgar base. It was a school-yard popularity contest, except this one was conducted via text message and website. Judging from the short-listed programs in each categories there didn't seem to be a consideration for what might have actually been the best produced piece of programming. Instead, I believe, people looked at a category and thought "do I know anyone in that program?" or possibly "do I like anyone in that program?". I also noticed that there was no documentary category, however there was a "factual" section, that was occupied by Gordon Ramsey, Top Gear, and The Apprentice (I thought that was a reality show?!?).

The whole thing was a toe curling experience, and it's not just me being snobbish. It was live and so it needed to be sharp, especially if humour was going to be employed. Sadly, it wasn't. And Sir Trevor MacDonald didn't help. I've no idea why he's chosen year in, year out. He a personable fellow, but he seems to lack a personality - and the best gag writers can't do anything to help him. It's a bit like putting an Elastoplast on a severed jugular.

And that's why democracy is such a good idea - in principle! But not in practice. God knows who/what people will pick if they have a choice. You don't believe me!? Let me just say 'Arnold Swartzenegger' or 'George W Bush'. 'Nuff said?

There's nothing wrong with people having a choice and making a decision so long as they take it seriously and make a considered one. Look at the current US Elections. With only 6 days left before the vote, Republican and Democratic candidates are treading very carefully and speaking with utter care. Why? Because they know that the slightest ill judged phrase, or word out of turn can change a voter's ballot box decision. In other words, when polling day arrives they know that the hoi poloi will wander into the booths and say to themselves, "who do I like more?", not "who will be the best leader for my country?".

Youth is wasted on the young, just as democracy is wasted on the masses.

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