Saturday 21 June 2008

Thought For The Day

Yesterday morning, at the ungodly hour of 5:30am, my alarm clock woke me so that I could get ready to go to the BBC in Belfast for a live Thought.

It's essentially 2 mins 45 secs of talk about a topical issue with a religious, though not always so, twist to it. Sounds easy?! Getting up so early is really the easy bit. The difficult part is trying to say something relevant to people's lives, and to limit it to 450 words. It requires a lot of work and many, many rewrites and alternative drafts. 

So I've four more of them to do, and each time I do a batch of these things I like to try and have an underlying theme that pervades all 5 talks. Last time it was Universalism. This time I'm going to try and tinge each talk with a bit of Process Theology. 

So if you can, why not listen in each Friday at 6:55 and 7:55am. The Radio Ulster link will take you to a live streaming of it

1 comment:

Mystical Seeker said...

The BBC web site made the most recent broadcast available online, so I was able to listen to it even though it wasn't live, and I want to say that I really enjoyed it a lot. (not PC, or mac either!)