Tuesday 3 June 2008

Bluebottles, and not the good, Peter Sellers one!

As a vegetarian I am against the killing of animals, on a purely moral (and Process) basis. However..................................

I do make an exception with regards to bluebottles. In fact, I actively encourage their slaughter. All ages should hunt them down and torture them slowly.

Why do I hate them so! I'm ashamed to say it's because they buzz randomly. They don't even try to make it to the open window I've gone to the trouble to open for them to escape through. Instead they make a dash for my ear, much to my extreme annoyance, and then zig-zag around the room in a victory roll, feeling good that they've managed to momentarily justify their pathetic existences. Which they haven't!

I recall spending a good half hour in an hermetically sealed kitchen with tea towel and a red mist in front of my eyes. The eventual slaughter was slow and deliberate. I wanted to look it straight in its 800 eyes as I crushed it beneath a sheet of kitchen roll.

Anyway. In summary, eating animals is bad, but killing bluebottles is perfectly acceptable.  

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