Thursday 29 May 2008

Do bacteria feel the need to drink Yakult?

We know there are such things as 'good bacteria' - the kind that aid digestion and generally keep the body in some sort of balance, as claimed by the various pro-biotic drinks that are available. We also know that the world belongs to bacteria, in that they are the most populous life form on this planet and they live everywhere, even in the most inhospitable places. 

So we know that there are good and bad bacteria, and we know that they are a life form. So according to the Creationists at some point during those first 6 days (it's not mentioned or even hinted at in the Genesis account) God must have created them: "and on the fifth day God said, 'Let there be bacteria', and God saw that they were good".

Then, again according to the Creationists interpretation of Genesis, the Fall happened (not the Band I hasten to add) and everything went sour. Evil and sickness polluted the world and death occurred etc, etc.

Now, if bacteria are life forms, and if God created every life form to be good and perfect, and if the consequences of the Fall led to sickness and death, then it should be possible to witness bacteria becoming ill. After all (or should that be 'after Fall') they are living things, and every living thing, according to Creationists, is subject to the consequences of Sin.

And not only that, just as people, other living things affected by the Fall, can become ill and then restored to health, shouldn't it be possible to cure bacteria and restore them to health? 



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