Wednesday 28 May 2008

The Chances Of Any Mars Rover Working On Mars, Is A Million To One They Said...

And so YET ANOTHER Mars Rover has made it to the Red Planet. Hopefully this one will do its job, which I believe is to try and answer conclusively that question regarding whether there was ever life there.

People, both scientists and Believers (Christian, not X-Files) wait with baited breath to see what it will find. 

For the scientists, the discovery of life, no matter how simple, will open up the debate on whether we are truly alone in the Universe or not. Indeed, the finding of life on Mars will only add further weight to what was previously statistical flimsy. 

For religious believers, the discovery of life will only add to their headache - you know, the one that started when Darwin first got published. If there was life on Mars then the chances are vastly increased that there might be life, life very much like our own, somewhere in the vastness of space. If there are creatures similar to us out there does that mean that there is more than one Jesus, or did Jesus' work here on Earth cover all other potentialities? Any positive discovery will force many religious people to rethink issues of faith, especially with regards to soteriology. 

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