Saturday 6 September 2008

Not a total Disaster Movie

Just back form the cinema with the kids having been treated to 90 mins of my life that'll I'll never get back. It was "Disaster Movie" by name and by nature. When did parody sink so low?! And why wasn't I told!?

It's not often that I sit through a film that contains NO redeeming features. There has to be a first I suppose. This was it. Live and learn!

The only good thing I can think about this appalling evening (no reflection on Dan or Soph here) was that I saw a poster advertising another film, "the boy in the striped pyjamas", a film about a young boy in a Concentration Camp.

It just goes to show you that there's no such thing as a a complete wipeout. If I hadn't been at Disaster Movie I would never have seen the other poster. Not a complete disaster then.

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